Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tattoos Looked Upon Differently If You Are Famous
I abhorrence to accept that I feel like back they are acclaimed and accept bags of money that some bodies accord them an chargeless agenda to get tattoos and not be hounded about it. But we all apperceive if David Beckham or alike Tommy Lee wasn't as acclaimed as they are, they would added than acceptable be ridiculed about their tattoos and added than acceptable affected to awning them up.
So I anticipate this is aloof addition abundant archetype of how bodies appearance bodies with tattoos. If it is ok for your child's so alleged role archetypal to be covered in tattoos and not get fabricated fun of than what is the aberration of us accustomed bodies accepting tattoos? I alone don't anticipate there is a aberration except for the actuality that their job doesn't attending bottomward aloft if they accept a little or a lot of ink.
Watercolor Masterpieces Painting from the Brooklyn Museum

The recently opened exhibition features 70 stellar watercolors painting artwork from the Brooklyn Museum’s collection, chronicling the rise of the medium in America and shifts in technique over the years. The Brooklyn Museum was the first American art museum to start collecting watercolors,
Nurse Costume Style Body Painting

To see more body painting collections, you can click here body painting
"Winterized" - Our Favourite Painting

I Think Tis painting was made with watercolor style. You'll recognize, of course, the now even more icy couple from Grant Wood's American Gothic at left. And at right, below, you can see La Soif (The Thirst) by William Adolphe Bouguereau, and at left, below, you'll find it's altered counterpart, I Triple Dog Dare Ya.
To see more watercolor painting collection, please click here watercolor painting
Famous Watercolor Painting - Beautiful Woman Was Sleeping

Tattoo Lettering
Wrist Tattoo
Megan Fox Tattoos
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Japanese Red Style Body Painting

Sexy Girl Blue Body Painting in The Mirror

To looks more body painting galleries, click here body painting
Arts of Painting - Exploring the Artist Identity
The painting processes in this research endeavour to study the artist identity of the artist through the exploration of consciousness. The basic components of what; where, when; how and why they take place will be described in the following applications, which form a personal account.
These processes have been chosen instead of other media because of the quality of paint's immediate and fluid response. Despite a background in ceramics, art paintings is where my passion lies.
What the Art Paintings Will Comprise
In my exploration, six art paintings will be undertaken. These will be abstract art paintings and figurative paintings. I will use alternative surfaces. The paintings will include canvases stretched professionally with concrete underlay (thick black plastic).
The dimensions of each art painting will be uniform: 120 x 70x 5 cm. The media used will include oil paint, enamel, oil sticks, Black Japan stain, shellac, pastel, charcoal and ink. The primary artistic focus in this process will lie in the use of alternative materials in painting and in the use of alternative surfaces. Boundaries may be intentionally pushed through the use of construction materials to create aesthetics on surfaces not intended for this purpose.
When the Painting Will Take Place
The proposed plan involves painting every second Tuesday and every Thursday for a period of six weeks. This art painting will occur at night in two to three hourly timeslots.
Where They Will Take Place
The space will consist of a studio set-up in a lock-up garage. For the purposes of the research, the computer and reference materials will be set up on one side of a garage space, and the work bench with art painting materials on the other. I plan to be able to move quickly and freely between both.
How They Will Occur
The intention is to include a timetable of art painting processes, which will consist of certain times in the following months. Ideas of setting a limit on the painting time have been considered.
Dialogue with Art Paintings
The personal dialogue processes approached in this research combine elements of Heuristic research, but allow for an individual account.
These processes are based on the internal search mechanisms present within the creative-self processes The processes relate to a conversation or dialogue that takes place between the researcher, artist and a higher consciousness of either the self, an artwork or other object studied closely. Many artists and art therapists have utilized these methods in their research and inquiry.
Why the Dialogue Will be Undertaken in This Manner
The dialogue process is intended to provide a different level of consciousness. It is anticipated that I will connect with my art paintings through the processes of dialogue. The dialogue may inform me on levels unavailable to me experientially.
What the Dialogue Will Comprise
This process is intended to encompass a journey into art painting. The aim is to literally enter into the art paintings through passages of different levels of consciousness. In order to make the space available to connect with these other levels of consciousness, the following will be utilized: indwelling; a search of the self through thought; meditation and contemplation. The insights may come through hearing the words in my mind, intuition, or new concepts emerging from or into internal frames of reference.
Where the Dialogue Will Take Place
This process is an internal one, while the external and inter-objective realities in my surroundings may have bearing on the internal mechanisms. The proposed dialogue will occur in the studio space designated for writing this research. The set-up of the computer on one side and the art paintings on the other is intentionally designed towards easy access to writing when dialogue occurs.When the Dialogue Will Take Place
The method of dialogue within this research will be approached using a lack of structured timetable or schedule. As I have not attempted this process before, I am unsure of whether it will be able to fit into a time-frame. I am unsure of whether I can summon dialogue at will; or whether it will emerge in an indiscriminate manner.
How the Dialogue Will Occur
This is largely unable to be determined at this point in time. There is a commitment to a total immersion in the processes of this inquiry and it is likely that the dialogue will naturally emerge from the art paintings through channels due to the immersion process. It is anticipated that the creation of the unique personal space for communication with my art paintings will reveal and allow for documentation of how the process occurs.
Reflection on Art Paintings
Why the Reflection Will be Undertaken in This Manner
The reflection process formulates the basis for the intimate connectivity of the processes of art paintings and dialogue. It forms the fabric from which the evaluation cloth is cut. The sacred witness will allow the space and time to measure the experience and to dwell on the emergence of new information.
The reflection process aims to draw the art paintings and dialogue processes together and provide the stand-back viewpoint, indispensable to making art paintings and primordial self- inquiry.
What the Reflection Will Comprise
The reflection process in this research will comprise transpersonal processes as a method of self-inquiry. It will evoke notions of the witness. These reflection processes will present a unique witness account of the experience of art painting, the dialogue experience and the overall experiences.
The observations of thoughts, emotions, dreams, dialogue and art painting processes provide the foundation from which to evaluate the personal interior experience.Where the Reflection Will Take Place
The reflection is anticipated to take place within the transpersonal self -this being wherever the art paintings and dialogue processes are taking place. They may take place in other areas of life, such as times of driving, walking, meditating and working.
When the Reflection Will Take Place
Much like the whereabouts of the reflection processes, the time-frame of this process encompasses all other processes in this research. It is predictable that I will bear witness to my art paintings and my dialogue processes. The witness will be present when I make the connective leaps in consciousness and when the intellectual synapses jump into action. Thus, the internal observer will have to be on duty at all times, knitting the components of my processes together. These observations can then be evaluated into a unified and presentable critique.
How the Reflection Will Occur
The reflection processes aim to transcend the art paintings and dialogue states of consciousness. Reflection is anticipated to occur through the watchful gaze of the transpersonal witness. I will endeavour to consciously manifest the witness during times of art painting and dialogue. This will involve dis-identifying with the art paintings and dialogue processes.
Findings of the Exploration Into the Artist Identity
The basic components of why, what, where, when and how investigated in the art paintings and dialogue and reflection applications can be located in the art paintings themselves and in some of the text and explanation of each of the art paintings on the website.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Oil on Canvas Racing Car Painting Galleries

Oliver Panis and the Toyata 2003 challenger showed shades of brillance at times and at other it was down right dismal, but it proved to be beautiful to look at. The future is bright for this 2nd year team. Limted Edition Print of original oil painting on canvas. Limited to 300 pieces. Each comes hand signed and numbered by artist.

“Marco” Werner / JJ Letho / Emanuele Pirro started 6th in the 2004 24 hours of Le Mans, but managed to move up to 3rd.
Limited to 368 pieces the number of laps completed in 2004 24hr of Le Mans. Each comes hand signed and numbered by artist.

“The Lion” is my tribute to the fan favorite Nigel Mansell. Limited to 187 peices the number of F1 races he competed in. Limited Edition Print of original oil painting on canvas. Limited to 187 pieces. Each comes hand signed and numbered by artist .

The 2005 Sauber C24 Chassis wasnt the best of show, but in the hands of Jacques it was fast. Limited Edition Print of original oil painting on canvas. Limited to 100 pieces. Each comes hand signed and numbered by artist .
DAVID LETTERMAN - Late Night Show Host Oil Painting

This is an oil paintings on canvas by letterman with title "DAVID LETTERMAN" Late night Show Host.
to see more oil paintings, click here oil paintings
Buy Online Direct From the Artists - Affordable Art Paintings and Prints

There are many self-representing artists who sell original paintings, limited edition prints,
Another good reason for buying art direct from the artist is that you could discover the next Picasso or Turner! You may get to chat with the creators themselves, by purchasing art from an emerging artist you could buy art that has a good chance of being an investment if the artist reaches greater heights in their artistic career, or just choose your art because you like it and it compliments the interior of your home or office space.
Online art galleries represent all artists, from amateurs to new or emerging and full time professionals, who exhibit a wide variety of art in all styles and mediums, including abstract paintings, landscapes, seascapes, figurative art, still life, flowers, wildlife paintings, and more, in oils, acrylic, watercolour and other mediums, each artist has their own pages on these art sites where they exhibit a portfolio of their art, you can send enquiries or leave feedback when you have made a purchase, some galleries charge their artists an annual fee but take no commission, some work on a commission basis where artists pay a percentage usually 25 - 50% on each artwork sold.
You can buy some stunning art online, or you could also do a search in your local area, find an artist and visit them in their studio where they will have paintings on display for you to see before you buy.
If you are looking for a painting or print to complete the look of your home or office, buy art direct from the artist, save money and help support and encourage talented artists.
Unique Costume Art Body Painting Design
Twilight sky - Abstract Oil Paintings on Canvas by Letterman

You are looking for Twilight sky - Abstract Oil Paintings on canvas by letterman, one of famous painting, or canvas painting. To see more abstract painting, click here abstract painting. And oil paintings here oil paintings
Black and White Art on The Wall - Adds Drama and Sophistication
The dining room had walls the color of terracotta pots and a classic Greek keystone pattern ran around the bottom of glossy black crown molding. The wall had at least a dozen black and white photos of architectural details. Obviously I was impressed. Any moment Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall could have walked through the door!
You might not be ready for something this dramatic. However the look of black and white art on a wall can make a highly sophisticated statement. When you are shopping for black and white images, keep in mind the main elements that viewers notice are line and mass.
The size of the image will determine the level of intrigue that the viewer experiences. For example, a series of small images will invite closer inspection and a single large image will increase the power of the subject.
A few suggestions for finishing your black and white artwork:
- Look for mats in subtle shades from beige to rose.
- Try double mats with a narrow liner of a bright color such as scarlet.
- Try mats with colored edges that are less expensive than double mats.
- Matt black frames won’t overpower the image as would a gloss finish or gold frame.
- A white frame can create a totally different look for the image
- Remember that you are about to invite drama into your home – If you see Bogie or Bacall don’t be surprised.
Mystical Abstract Art - Paintings
The world of art and the environment of the mystical go back a long way together with many facets in common with one another - one being that they both seek to look into a deep unknown - and then seek to manifest it into this physical world by one means or another.
However, as an artist who has acquired (and lives by) a little understanding of certain spiritual aspects, here are my offerings of what I believe happens when a viewer comes across a mystical abstract painting.
The Spirit
One of the Spirit's major intentions is to bring spiritual understanding into the physical realm. One way to do that is to enter time and manifest a potential opportunity for a receptive body. That receptive body can either be the person being offered the opportunity - or the messenger of it.
The Messenger
Or Artist in this case, Or more specifically an artist who is prone to take note of their own inner enigmatic visuals. Once inspired the artist then sets about translating these visions into a personal style of depiction. I think it is quite probable that many an artist will be unconscious of what exactly they are putting down upon the canvas ... all they might know is that there is an urgent compulsion to work with particular colours, or in a specific style.
The Art
A personalized manifestation of the inner visuals ... portrayed on board or canvas - or any other handy appropriate medium at the time. The artist lets the visual take shape in their mind and allows for interpretation into the physical world ... which results in an artwork of surreal allegory, or be-riddled story, or just a simple abstract presentation of specific colours or shapes. Each element of the art will include (or be) a potential key ready to allow the appropriate viewer entrance into its intriguing yet creative environment.
The Viewer
A receptive observer viewing the art may initially have an indefinable affinity with it. They are perhaps first emotionally drawn to the image before them. And as their thoughts begin to trigger other thoughts, gradual realizations start to become apparent ... gaining strength until they acquire a personal creative understanding seen only by themselves but which may eventually involve others who come into contact with them.
The Gift
The originally unknown vision now begins to unfold its truth within the receptive viewer. This can be in many guises, a simple affirmation, a personal revelation , a specific spiritual, mental, or inner encouragement, an energizing edification for a hungry or floundering soul, offering a sense of contentment within a challenging situation, This gift can be as simple or as complicated as is required for the viewer. Its influence can be timeless - remaining relevant over a period of days, weeks, months, or years.
So the next time you seek to produce a piece of art or decide to visit a gallery do not hesitate or dwell upon any lack within you, rather open your eyes (after all they are supposed to be the windows of the body) and prepare yourself to either see in order to create - or see in order to receive.
Rib Tattoos
Skulls Tattoos
Tattoos Design
Fourth Station--Jesus Meets his Afflicted Mother

(From the Stations of the Cross by Brother Mickey McGrath, OSFS)
Fourth Station: Jesus Meets his Afflicted Mother
Leader: O holy Christ, we worship you, we adore you;
People: Your blessed Mother wept at the sight of your pain.
As your mother saw your bruised, bloody and scourged body, she thought of an angel that spoke to her over three decades ago. "Greetings, favored one!" the angel had told her. What favor was there in this? How could the crowds who cheered triumphantly upon her son's entry into Jerusalem now mock him? Her son had fulfilled the angel's words--he had lifted up the lowly, and he had filled the hungry with the hope of good things--love and trust in our eternal Maker.
"O Adonai!" she must have cried. "Come to the help of your servant Israel! Where is the promise--the promise you gave to Abraham and our fathers? Where is the promise you made to me, that my son would reign over the house of Jacob, and where is his kingdom that has no end? All I see is my beloved son, who suffers unspeakably. Why have you deserted him, O Lord, and why have you deserted me? My son will either die on the cross that he carries or die on the streets like a beaten stray dog. I beg you to come to the aid of my Son, my Lord, my rock, and my Redeemer."
Leader: Not only did the whips and spears pierce your Son
People: But each mark upon him wounded his mother's soul.
Leader: Let us pray.
(a brief period of silence is observed.)
Eternal God of power and might;
We so often think of you as "our Father."
But you are both Father and Mother.
As we think about how the Blessed Mother of Jesus
longed to cradle her hurting son in her arms,
and spare him his fate,
teach us in our most desperate moments
to be unafraid to cling to you
like a fearful child clinging to a mother's bosom.
May we always feel your nurturing love, O Lord,
even when the world seems turned upside down.
People: Amen.
Holy God,
Holy and Mighty,
Holy immortal one,
Have mercy on us.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Lent and Love as illustrated by the Velveteen Rabbit
"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?" "It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."
From "The Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams
I bumped into this quote via a Lenten devotional set using this book as the focus, written by Andrew Dotchin. It's being posted this Lent here.
Although I read it early this morning, in my "coffee and prayer" time, it has stuck in my head all day long today--probably because of where my focus is this Lent. Every Lent is different. Some years, I haven't felt like I had much cleaning up to do. Last year, I came to the realization that there were some parts of me that needed to be cleaned off down to the bare metal. I had decades of grime simply from the wear and tear , covered with layers of paint, that would need to be stripped down before re-painting, because I felt that if I didn't, the paint wouldn't "stick."
I've done a lot of that stripping--not as much as I had hoped, in some places--but enough that there's plenty bare metal showing. But here is where I ran into one of those twisty curves I blogged about in a previous post. My first big Lenten discovery this year is that I am probably not supposed to paint that bare metal, rather, my task is to shine it up and let it glimmer with the natural gloss that it is, and for it to develop its own patina, like fine antique metal work.
But what it means is I have to work with my barest, truest, most holy self, and it means giving up a large chunk of "who I thought I was." I got used to the color of the paint. I thought on occasion, others were touching it up with paint and in reality, they were putting tar on it, allowing more dirt and grime to stick. Still others painted with good intentions, or I painted it myself, but the colors didn't quite match, or the surface wasn't prepped enough for it to stick well.
All in all, these are not bad discoveries. But they can become a bit confusing at times. Some are literally hidden surprises. Here's another way to look at it. Imagine having a room in the house that for years, had bile green or baby poop yellow carpet. There's always enough furniture and ample enough throw rugs to hide the carpet you don't like. But now imagine stripping away all the coverings and finding a gleaming hardwood floor that got covered simply because at the time, it was the fad to have wall-to-wall carpet.
Others are rotten spots in the floor you didn't know exist, and you stare at them and think, "It's a wonder I didn't fall through here." Still others need minor repairs, and there are lots of places that aren't worth fixing, and their minor defects lend character.
So, in this sense, it's a different kind of Lent for me. It is a season of imagining what the room will look like for the great adventures of life yet to come. It's about making this room hospitable for company. It's about being real, in the way the Velveteen Rabbit yearned to be real, and about letting others love me until my hair is rubbed off. It's about looking at less "protecting" and more fanning the flames of the imaginations of others, and inviting everyone over for S'mores.
I really believe when we do that, the flames of our own imaginations thrive.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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- Tattoos Looked Upon Differently If You Are Famous
- Watercolor Masterpieces Painting from the Brooklyn...
- Sexy G-String Body Painting
- Nurse Costume Style Body Painting
- "Winterized" - Our Favourite Painting
- Famous Watercolor Painting - Beautiful Woman Was S...
- Tattoo Lettering
- Wrist Tattoo
- Megan Fox Tattoos
- Japanese Red Style Body Painting
- Sexy Girl Blue Body Painting in The Mirror
- Arts of Painting - Exploring the Artist Identity
- Oil on Canvas Racing Car Painting Galleries
- DAVID LETTERMAN - Late Night Show Host Oil Painting
- Buy Online Direct From the Artists - Affordable Ar...
- Beautiful Hot Female Body Painting Art
- Unique Costume Art Body Painting Design
- Twilight sky - Abstract Oil Paintings on Canvas by...
- Black and White Art on The Wall - Adds Drama and S...
- Mystical Abstract Art - Paintings
- Tattoos Women
- Rib Tattoos
- Skulls Tattoos
- Tattoos Design
- Fourth Station--Jesus Meets his Afflicted Mother
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- Body Painting Female
- Tattoo Artists Become Celebrities in the Biker World
- The Best Design Of Body Painting Art
- Iron Girl Posing Sexy At Beach With Body Painting Art
- Blonde Girl Over Long Bridge Pose
- You're Very Pretty With Body Painting Art
- Mermaid Tattoo
- Koi Tattoos
- Music Note Tattoos
- 3D Tattoos Gallery
- Third Station--Jesus Falls a First Time
- Your Favorite Celebrity Tattoo Design
- A season of curvy roads
- 3D Snake Tattoo
- 3D Screaming Tattoo
- 3D Scorpion Tattoo
- 3D Ladybug Tattoo
- 3D Eyes Tattoo
- 3D Foot Tattoo
- 3D Butterfly Tattoo
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- Tribal Cross Tattoos
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- Upper Back Tattoos- An Ideal Introduction to Body Art
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