Sunday, January 31, 2010
Crown Love Tattoos
does it hurt ????
maybe it was the first question in your mind about the art of tattoos, maybe I'll answer yes, you imagine a thousand needles piercing your skin where the pain, but not as bad as it was not scary so that you will feel more than the pain of constant movement in acupuncture. but the difference been tattooed pain can be felt in areas where have you been tattooed in the groin when will hurt worse than other regions, and also the pain you can bear with it certain how you handle the pain ... so feel the sensation My Tattoo My love
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tattoo Removal Cream Guide
Now you may be asking yourself if these products will actually work. This is a legitimate question since many people are under the impression that tattoos are permanent. So how do these products work?
It's important to remember that a needle will imprint ink into the skin's sublayers to create a tattoo. The tattoo ink is going into cells of the subcutaneous layer, which allows it stay there. This procedure is actually common knowledge but it's good to get a mental picture of the tattoo's makeup so you understand how tattoo removal will help to remove tattoos. Tattoo removal creams will get through those outer layers, to descend to the tattoo ink, dissolve it and then work to make your skin be healthy. With repeated use, you should see a significant difference over time.
There are four popular tattoo removal creams that you can apply to remove a tattoo. They include:
- Wrecking Balm
- Tat B Gone
- Tattoo Off
- Dermasal
Wrecking Balm Tattoo Removal Cream
The Wrecking Balm tattoo removing cream is different from Tat B Gone, Tattoo Off and Dermasal in that its claims to be both chemical and mechanical. What does this mean? It means it uses the natural and efficient scrubbing action to aid the chemicals when they do their job. You, the tattoo owner, are then receiving the benefits from the cream and getting a desirable scrub at the same time. Keep in mind that the Wrecking Balm Cream has similar ingredients found with acne drug products to renew the skin cells. It also has skin-lightening ingredient, which works to look as if the tattoo is vanishing quicker than it truly is. With all the positive benefits found in Wrecking Balm, you have another great product to use.
Tat B Gone Tattoo Removal Cream
There are different kinds of tattoo removal creams available on the market; however, Tat B Gone was the first one available. The idea behind it also involves a three-step process that includes scrubbing the skin's outer layers, which exposes the ink down in the skin. From there, it'll begin to break up the ink's molecules and then treat the skin to give it some protection and soothe it. The guarantee from Tat B Gone makers is that your tattoo will be gone within a year. No doubt this cream removal process is much safer and painless than surgical procedures.
Tattoo Off Tattoo Removal Cream
It's important to remember that not all creams are the same. There are numerous creams that claim they can remove tattoos but in actuality, they fail to do so. The Tattoo Off cream isn't one of those products. It works a bit differently than other tattoo removal cream products. For instance, Tattoo Off uses all natural ingredients, which makes it an organic tattoo removal cream that keeps your skin looking healthy. These natural plant extracts will keep your skin protected while it splits up the tattoo ink. It's best to keep up your healthy skin the entire time you use the merchandise so that you can use it more and see quicker results. Best of all, the product is 100 percent hypoallergenic.
Dermasal works by doing two things at one time, which is that it gets through the skin layers to break down the ink while protecting the skin itself. Dermasal works much better than other methods available, which you've no doubt looked into if you really thought about getting rid of your body art.
For instance, you might have looked at the laser method, only to decide it's too excessive and costly. On top of laser surgery, you may have looked into skin scrubs, which are painful, can cause scarring and are very expensive.
Dermasal doesn't leave you in any pain because of its three-step process involving a protectant gel, soothing agent and topical solution. This three-step process will prepare your skin, get through to the skin to get to the ink and keep the skin from harm as it is healing. Once enough time has passed, you should see a tremendous difference in your skin.
Tree Tattoo
where on my body should i get a tatto?
before you use body art tattoo you should know which parts are not tattooed, and which parts are not allowed
there are some parts that should not have been tattooed for health reasons or for reasons of their own, but for your own good, which is not part of the body that can not been tattooed include: hair (of course, your hair should not be tattooed as far as I know there are no hair art technology tattoos), teeth and nails (this can be debated whether or not, but because of health reasons I recommend that you do not use a tattoo on the part of health reasons), the cornea and the eye can not sort of been tattooed medical
I only recommend you been tattooed in a place that looks fairly reasonable
I would recommend that been tattooed body parts include:
a. head: the head is a part of the body. but before you you have been tattooed on the shaved head. often been tattooed area is part of the head, above the ears. I tell you if you have a tattoo on his head shaking around your skull so ready
b. neck: the back of the neck and sides often been tattooed but remember you have to shave your hair short so it can be seen
c. Face: for this one I do not recommend you tattoos all over his face, which is this face is part of the face such as eyebrows, or you can use temporary tattoos
d. upper chest: one of the standard areas for tattoos of men and women. symbolizes masculinity for men but for women symbolize sensuality
e. Breast (women): usually for a woman would look very sexy and confident when using tattoos in the area
f. nipple: aims for aesthetic and self-esteem, there is also a tattoo on the nipple area because of the loss of their nipples and surgical reconstruction through tattoos
g. ribs: the ribs for a tattoo would be so painful, they are usually tattooed on the back to wrap the ribs to the front, I thought it was really cool to use a tattoo
h. stomach: I do not recommend to been tattooed in the abdominal area, especially for men because of our age will change physically, especially for men the most rapid change is part of the stomach, look very ugly if one day you change your tattoo.
h. sex: for men I would not recommend it been tattooed in part because it is very difficult, but for a woman would look so hot when been tattooed on the genitals
i. thigh / hip: popular for a woman to tattoo in this section
j. ankle: This section is also popular for been tattooed
k. feet: You can use the tattoo in this section if you want
l. armpit: usually wrap the tattoo on his arm from back to front chest, and carefully been tattooed in this section is very funny
m. arm: This section is very popular with users because it easily visible tattoos and very artistic
n. Other parts are: wrist, shoulder, back, buttocks
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tattoo Removal - Getting Rid of That Tattoo
Tattoos were not consistently cool
Tattoos were not consistently that accustomed or desirable. In fact, you were advised to be on the bound of affiliation if you had a tattoo. It was not until about the 1960s back some artists started cutting them and authoritative this a accepted trend. Janis Joplin was one of the aboriginal crusaders in this anytime growing industry. It was in the 1980's that the boom industry grew. Now tattoos accept become socially acceptable, and allotment of the boilerplate of society.
Celebrity tattoos
Angelina Jolie is the best acclaimed changeable awning brilliant who boasts anywhere from seven to twelve tattoos. She has a tiger, amid others, and her acclaimed Billy Bob boom (for her ex-husband). Johnny Depp had a "Winona forever" boom which he adapted to "Wino forever" afterwards his breach up with Winona Ryder. Pamela Anderson afflicted a boom on her larboard feel from "tommy" (for her ex-husband Tommy Lee) to "mommy".
Tattooing became big
More and added bodies are assuming the celebrities and "inking" their bodies. Even admitting abounding end up removing their tattoos, it is still a actual big industry. So now abounding admirers and followers of celebrities are faced with the catechism of removing their tattoos.
Oops, I fabricated a mistake!
Some bodies may accept gotten a boom of a admired one, and accept back concluded that accord and confused on to another. Some may accept a boom apery an affiliation with a artery gang, of which they appetite no allotment anymore. Others may be award it adamantine to acquisition the job they appetite because of their tattoos.
What do you do if you apprehend you fabricated a mistake? You do not appetite this boom anymore. Whatever your acumen is for boom removal, you would like to acquisition a band-aid for removing your tattoo.
There are abounding altered solutions for boom removal, from anaplasty to at home remedies. Accomplish abiding you accomplish an abreast decision. Discover all your options.
Feast Day of Thomas Aquinas, Jan 28

I wanted to give a little air time to St. Thomas Aquinas on his feast day, as I have a great deal of admiration for him as a person of "equal parts head and heart." All that I've ever read about him makes me think I might have been molded out of some of the same dirt. He caught a lot of guff for "thinking too much," to the point of even occasionally branded as heretical, but at the same time he was prone to his experiences of "holy ecstacies," which sort of remind me of my own, "Oh, WOW!" moments in my own personal spirituality.
As quoted in Lesser Feasts and Fasts, "Thomas asserted that reason and revelation are in basic harmony," and that "Grace is not the denial of nature." He figured out that one way of looking at God was to know what God was not (the via negativa) and he understood the essence of God as a being was right there in black and white in Exodus 3:14, "I am Who I am." He understood God as Being, itself, and the Ultimate Reality--that all we know as "being" is derived from God as "Ultimate Being, defined." If you want to read his proofs for the existence of God, I've linked them here.
So here's to you, St. Thomas Aquinas, your heart bursting with love for God, and your head bursting with thoughts! I really do think you'd have been the first one on the block with a Kindle...
design tatto
A tattoo is an ink design inserted into the skin, commonly via a needle. The tattoo, in various forms, has been used ornamentally and religiously by humans for thousands of years, with examples of tattoo work found on numerous preserved prehistoric specimens. Humans also use identification tattoos on domesticated animals, particularly livestock. Examples of tattoo work can be seen in most human cultures, and despite some social stigma, tattoos are becoming ubiquitous in the West, with an estimated 25% of Americans wearing at least one tattoo by the end of the 20th century.
A temporary alternative?
for those who are not ready to do tattoos, but they are seriously considering to use the tattoos, tattoos may be considered one of the alternatives before using the actual tattoo
there are several options for you prior to using such actual tattoo
a. tempu use tattoos. tempu is synonymous with tattoo tattoo temporary or semi-permanent. could be like tissue paper drawn tattoo designs
b. you could try some alternatives such as tattoo ink tattoos, airbush, mehendi etc
c. use something temporary like markers sharpies
d. mehendi tattoos. mehendi tattoos are tattoos body art that comes from middle eastern countries. explanation of mehendi tattoo may be very long, I'll make a blog about mehendi tattoo just for you
please try some alternatives there before making a permanent tatto
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tattoo Stars
Funny Male Pubic tattoo
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tattooing Has Become Upscale
More people than ever appreciate the beauty of tattoos, and the tattoos themselves have become more colorful, more professional and more realistic. There are shows on television about the lives of tattoo artists and most states have one or more tattoo conventions each year. There are also professional schools to train future tattoo artists.
It may be hard to believe, but a tattoo can say many things about someone's personality. Tattoo designs found on different individuals can signify various important events in a their life, such as a graduation, an engagement, or the birth of a son or daughter. Sometimes a tattoo celebrates a love relationship as well.
In the past, the best an aspiring artist could hope for was to be trained by another artist in the business. The designs were usually simple and done by hand or using homemade machines. The sanitary conditions were abysmal. Antibacterial precautions were not known about so plenty of people suffered from ink poisoning due to badly prepared dyes and inks.
People who choose to use these upscale tattoo parlors usually want something more exotic than just a plain butterfly tattoo. They want someone with great artistic skills to tattoo their skin. Nowadays, people often demand tattoos of pretty much anything, including the most intricate pictures and drawings of people and animals.
The world has changed in its values and opinions a lot over the past quarter of a century. People have become more broadminded, and tattoo artists are seen in a much better light than before. They have gained a good deal of respect and acceptance of their artwork. As more people decide to have tattoos, this once frowned upon practice will be accepted even more in the future.
Tattoo in girls body
Monday, January 25, 2010
Breaking News
Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 4:39:33 PM
Subject: Re: Applying to join CCBlogs
Forgive my slow response. I've gotten pretty behind on these.
Yes, your blog looks like a good fit with the community. The first step is for you to embed our logo at or near the top of your menu--high enough that it’s visible without scrolling down. Here’s the code:
Let me know when that is done and we'll get you plugged into our feed system and write you back with more information.
All best,
Steve Thorngate
Needless to say, I'm kind of excited about this. They haven't put me in their RSS feed yet, but evidently it is coming. I look forward to this allowing me to meet new readers!
"...It lasts and always will."

Let me read to you what I learned:
At the same time that I saw the head [Christ's] bleeding,
our good Lord showed a spiritual sight of his familiar love.
I saw that he is to us everything which is good and comforting
for our help. He is our clothing, who wraps and enfolds us for love,
embraces us and shelters us, surrounds us for his love, which is so
tender that he may never desert us. And so in this sight I saw that he
is everything which is good, as I understand. And in this he showed me
something small. no bigger than a hazelnut, lying in the palm of my
hand, as it seemed to me, and it was as round as a ball. I looked at it
with the eye of my understanding and thought: What can this be? I was
amazed that it could last, for I thought that because of its littleness it
would suddenly have fallen into nothing. And I was answered in my
understanding: It lasts and always will, because God loves it; and thus
everything has being through the love of God.
--Julian of Norwich
This passage was our Theological Reflection in EFM last night. I'll be the first to tell you that Julian of Norwich is a little hard for me to follow sometimes. Most of us only know her from the often repeated prayer, "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well," but in my most cynical moments I admit I have thought, "Yeah, it's easy to say "all shall be well" when you are an anchoress and never leave the house."
I have also thought in my more cynical moments that being mentally ill in medieval times got you a better deal if you happened to have religious visions and revelations, and you also happened to be within walking distance of a monastery. Julian fills me with wonder sometimes. Was she agoraphobic? Her most famous visions came with physical illness, when she was sick enough to be on her deathbed. I've had hallucinations with a 104 degree fever; I don't find this unbelievable at all. But mine were not anything to write home about. Hers changed her life in many ways. They became the root of her desire to be a mystic, and in those days, society had room for mystics. People knew so little of the world around them or how it works.
But then the other side of my brain muses at times that, in a way, it's too bad we don't have room for a few mystics here and there. Maybe in their own ways, the medieval mystics were able to be productive in a way that worked for their time. People were more or less okay with supporting the lives of mystics and anchorites/anchoresses in a monastic setting. Nowadays, I don't think being a mystic is going to qualify you for disability.
What looking at the great mystics DOES do, though, is give us room to take the time to get in touch with our own mystic. By reading what these historical figures dreamed and visualized, it can jump start our own spiritual imaginations when we have the time to simply sit and contemplate for a bit.
What struck me in this passage was the tail end of it as she was contemplating that little hazelnut in the palm of her hand..."And I was answered in my understanding: It lasts and always will, because God loves it; and thus everything has being through the love of God."
It's only human to contemplate our own existence, but contemplating simultaneously our small-ness and our immortality is a tough dichotomy. Our nature is to desire making our place in the universe "bigger"--accumulating wealth and things, prestige in our community, promotion to a bigger and better-paying job, a nice retirement package. We tend not to like the notion that we are very small--almost insignificant--in the presence of the realm of the Almighty.
But this is only because in this world, the messages we receive about "insignificant" are designed to put down, to diminish, to belittle. "Insignificant yet immortal" is not on our radar screen, simply because we experience death in so many ways while in our mortal coil. It doesn't seem possible to be immortal, at least by the rules of the game on this planet.
Yet, when I read that passage over and over, I felt a wave of calm wash over me as I would get to the line, "It lasts and always will." Something calming, reassuring, and totally incongruent to thoughts of Christ's passion and my own death emerged from deep inside of me. I think we tend to forget about our own embedded slice of the Incarnation, and it tends not to speak to us unless absolutely necessary.
We can't possibly understand a love that is immortal, because we can't even understand what "mortal" really is. Our brain cannot wrap itself around ourselves as dead. All thoughts of life beyond death are projections of what life is like for us now. All we are capable of understanding about immortality right now is the feeling we get from the biochemical rush of endorphins as we read or write things that resonate with our own incarnation. If only we, in our busy "normal" lives, could accept it and believe in it as much as a quirky anchoress could, what changes might evolve as a result!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Amy Winehouse Tattoos - The Good the Bad and the Ugly
One of the most popular of these celebrities is, of course, Angelina Jolie. Although she is currently best known for her activities on behalf of the United Nations, her marriage to Brad Pitt and her family of multinational adopted children, in past years she was infamous for her body art.
The Oscar-winning actress has more than a dozen tattoos at present, and has not hesitated in past years to have the name of her current love immortalized in ink on her body.
On the other end of the spectrum, as far as respectability goes, is British soul singer Amy Winehouse, whose body is a virtual canvas for the tattoo artist's needle.
Although her album Back in Black was released to critical acclaim and strong sales, in recent years Winehouse has become better known for the shambles her private life has become.
In 2007 she married Blake Fielder-Civil; it was a troubled marriage, to say the least, beset by allegations of spousal abuse, and eventually ended in divorce on 2009.
Winehouse has also struggled with substance abuse, resulting in erratic behavior that has been well-documented by the tabloids.
The Amy Winehouse tattoos that have been listed in various websites include an anchor with the words Hello Sailor on her belly, a singing bird on her lower right arm, the first name of her husband Blake over a picture of a pocket on her left breast, and on various other parts of her body, an angel, a feather, a horseshoe and a lightning bolt.
Most recently she also got an American eagle flying behind an Egyptian ankh tattooed on her upper back between her shoulders.
The sheer amount of body art Winehouse sports has also inspired artists in other media. Artist Andrew Salomone recently showed off an Amy Winehouse tattoo sweater on his blog, on which he embroidered all her tattoos in the correct places.
Salomone expressed the hope that the sweater would allow her to keep warm and maintain her health, while still letting her show off her distinctive body art.
japanese hannya tattoo design
Saturday, January 23, 2010
"Give us this day our daily bread"

It's an oft-repeated line from a prayer so common, even people who haven't darkened a church door in decades know it...but it is possible it means more than "feed me every day?"
I got to playing with the literal Greek in this line:
"Tou artos hemon tou epiousion didou hemin to kath hemerau"
Literally, "The bread of us the daily give to us these in the day." Two of the words actually have some vagaries to them--Epiousion ("daily") and hemerau (in the day).
Let's start with epiousion. In secular Greek, this word is often used to describe the daily "soldier's rations." (Hence the picture of the MRE at the top of my blog post!) In particular, it described the soldier's rations given the night BEFORE the battle, for the NEXT day (since they would be busy fighting.)
So is it possible this line actually means, "Give us today, the bread we need tomorrow?" Is it a call to be well-provisioned for the battles we may fight in this world tomorrow?
Let's go a little further, and play with the word "hemerau." This is one of those words where it kind of depends on the context. "Hemerau" is used to mean, literally, daylight in one context--a context where evil things happen in the night, in darkness, and are exposed in the light of day. In another context, it means a 24 hour day. Still a third context uses the word as "all the days of our lives," or the last day of this age--which, in the context of the early church, would have been the day of Christ's return. WHOA!
That really expands the line, when you realize what we may be asking for in this line of the Lord's prayer, "Give us today the bread we need for the Day of Christ's Return."
Thinking about this made me all prayerfully poetic.
O God, provider of all things necessary for our lives--
You distribute our portion, whatever our portion is allotted to be.
It looks so big--so big, in fact, I'm not sure I can eat it all.
Why did you put so much on my plate?
But then you remind me that you didn't expect me to eat it all today.
Some of this is for tomorrow, some for the next day,
And some for the next day after that.
Some of it is meant to fortify me for the battles ahead in my life,
And some of it is not meant to be eaten
Until the two of us can share it face to face
In the glory of light perpetual.
It is my portion, Lord,
I will accept it in love and humility,
Grateful that you feed me not just for today,
But for many days ahead
And have provided me enough
That I can share freely
With those who might be hungry
Because they misplaced their portion.
May they do the same for me. Amen.
Red Koi Fish Tattoo in The Water
Tribal Red Bird Tattoo
Hand Tribal Tattoo
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Beckham's Chinese Tattoo's Significance
He admits that he is addicted to tattoos. That is why even his expression of great love to his wife, Victoria - one of the Spice Girls' stars - which is written in Hindi and the name of his 3 sons had also been inked into his body. Because, according to him, he wanted that his family is always with him and he sees his tattoos as himself.
On the other hand, regardless of his all 14 other tattoos on his body, his Chinese tattoo is located at his torso inked into his left rib-cage downwards. It is written in traditional mandarin Chinese, with eight Chinese symbols which denotes a Chinese proverb, saying, "Death and Life have determined appointments. Riches and Honor depend upon heaven" It was confirmed by his spokesperson and also added that he always wanted to have this kind of a brush-like tattoo and Victoria as well.
It is unique from all other tattoos because it is said that this tattoo underwent a complex method of tattooing. It looks like a real brushed-up Chinese symbols. Its strokes are tattooed as if they were written using a brush and fabric and it is solely from Hong Kong. Its grass style of strokes is very difficult to be tattooed because of its complexities. He got the tattoo during the team Los Angeles Galaxy had a tour at the Far East. He gives more accents in the word Life, compared to the word death, which is tattooed smaller.
His tattoo signifies more of his love of his family, her wife Victoria and his three boys, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz and also for him self as a representation of his principles and reputation.
Mother, Jugs, and a Wedding Feed
- 1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine." 4 And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come." 5 His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." 6 Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. 7 Jesus said to them, "Fill the jars with water." And they filled them up to the brim. 8 He said to them, "Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward." So they took it. 9 When the steward tasted the water that had become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward called the bridegroom 10 and said to him, "Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now." 11 Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.
Mary had known all of Jesus' life (and before) what he was capable of doing. In a lot of ways in the story, she had more or less cornered him into what was about to happen in the way only a mother or grandmother could do. As those water jars were being filled, I imagine there were a lot of glances cast back and forth between Jesus and Mary, and they weren't terribly beatific. I imagine Jesus whispering to his mother in that little hissing whisper of irritation, "Ma! What are you trying to do to me?" and her whispering back in that somewhat smug maternal way, "You mean what am I trying to do FOR you, son." I can see Jesus rolling his eyes, I can imagine his armpits starting to break out into a sweat. What if this all gets blown somehow?
Jesus, who also knows what he's capable of, might even have started doubting himself. Perhaps as each of those jars got closer to being filled, his stomach started doing flip-flops. Perhaps he wanted to disappear. Perhaps he wanted to just bolt--but he knew if he did, he would never hear the end of it from his mother. Her expectations might have felt heavier than God's at that point!
But then, in my imagination, I can see the moment that the jars were filled. They were there and the moment had come. He might have cleared his throat a little and said to the servants, ", dip some of that out and take it to the chief steward," knowing the servants were thinking, "What a boob." The rest, of course, is recorded in John.
The more we imagine the parts of this story that John didn't record, are these moments any different than the moments that we hear and fully understand what God wants US to do? Just as many of the prophets did, we ask God, "Are you sure you've got the right person here?" and "Not me, I can't do this, I'm too (fill in the blank)." Yet when the jars have been filled, and there's no turning back, we step up to the plate and do it. Never mind the butterflies and the sweaty armpits and the trepidation in our voices. Something happens where we do what needed to be done, and somehow it all works out.
That's what operating on faith is all about. When we'd rather melt into the wall and disappear, we do what God's asked of us anyway. But it doesn't change that the time that passes before that moment is agonizing, downright painful at times. The good news is we are not alone in those moments. I believe Jesus has gone before us in those very same feelings at the wedding in Cana!
Rose Tattoo And Tribal Tattoo
Butterflies And Flower Tattoo
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Flowers Tattoo for body
Monday, January 18, 2010
What Can We Learn From David Beckham's Awesome Chinese Tattoo?

The ink on David's body says "Sheng Si You Ming, Fu Gui Zai Tian", which means: "Life and death are decided by fate, wealth and honor are held by heaven." Sounds cool, doesn't it? In fact, this is a well-known saying originating from the Analects, a brilliant book noting the remarks of Confucius, and a crucial piece of the Chinese culture puzzle.
The thing is, even David Beckham is a nobody, inking this classic and thought-provoking saying will help him stand way out of the tattoo crowd. So, what can we learn from David's ink, in addition to knowing that it's a cool, smart, and unique tattoo that rocks?
Here's the deal, if you really want your Chinese tattoo to shine of personality, never trust any type of "Chinese tattoo translation", which refers to the process of translating the English word you desire for ink into a Chinese word. Rather than that, the right way of doing this is that you should first go out into the Chinese field, and actually find a word, phrase, or saying that fits your attitude or value, with the help of a dictionary or any kind of tools that translates what you find.
The caveat here is that the sequence should not be reversed. The right path to getting a nice Chinese tattoo should always be "Chinese then English", not the otherwise. So, now the question becomes: why?
Well, culture is the only reason that makes all these differences. The fact is, when you translate an English word into Chinese, you risk exposing the huge cultural gaps between these two wildly different cultures, which often leads to a poor translation, and a bad Chinese tattoo. By saying this, it's not suggesting that translation never works, it simply says given the fact that when it comes to tattooing, being concise in the translation is fairly important. Yet, this would be a difficult task. Therefore, the odds of translating a English word correctly, properly and concisely, while taking care of the cultural gaps on the side, are just too low.
On the other hand, it makes very sense to find your tattoo word directly from Chinese language, which is all likelihood, will to an ideal and favorable tattoo idea. Still, culture is what comes into play in this. When you look for your tattoo word straightly in the huge room of Chinese language, you are breathing the air of Chinese culture, even when you aren't aware. In this way, you avoid all the potential cultural gaps that could do you damage, by plunging into the sea of Chinese culture right from the beginning.
The thing to remember from this, is that "Chinese tattoo translation" doesn't necessarily work. And its chance of ruining your tattoo word is just much higher than you can imagine. Change a route, and start seeking your unique tattoo word directly from the Chinese classics, you will be amazed how many fantastic words, phrases, and sayings are out there for you to discover.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
"Unbind him, and let him go."

John 11:43-44:
"When he had said this, he cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” 44The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.""
This week, my online EFM class discussed the Lazarus of Bethany story, and what really stuck to me was the last two verses in the story. I sort of imagine Lazarus kind of "mermaid hopping" out of the tomb--very much alive but very much stuck in his burial shroud.
That is why I like this particular artistic rendition of the story--it shows the community unbinding him upon Jesus' command to "Unbind him, and let him go." Lazarus, although alive, needed OTHERS to unbind him. That, to me, is just as key in the story as his resurrection--and isn't that what we most commonly see in our own resurrections? We can read all the "self-help" books we want, and still only get so far. We can ask God to heal us from whatever our affliction is, but even then, His healing generally doesn't come from a beam of light from the sky in Cecil B. DeMille fashion--it usually comes from the hands of other people who were sent to us. Even then, we have to acquiesce to the offer of their help. How many times do we bind ourselves even further by rejecting that help, even when it is smack dab in front of our own noses?
I seriously doubt that, when Lazarus crow-hopped out of that grave, and others rushed up to remove his burial linens, he yelled, "Never mind! I'll do it myself!" I'm betting the faster they unbound him, the better. If anything, patience might have been a problem.
In the world of medicine, we see grateful unbindings all the time--being weaned off the ventilator or extubated, having the cast removed, getting the stitches out. But what is our natural reaction? We, at first, feel total freedom and relief--then turn right around and still "favor" to the bound side. We're more careful on that formerly casted leg. We don't want to leave the ICU yet even if we are breathing on our own, we keep putting our hand over our scar or looking at it all the time. I always wonder what happened after Lazarus' unbinding, after the initial euphoria wore off. What did he "favor" in his recovery?
But most importantly, I wonder what he did differently the rest of his life. Did he become "extra careful?" Or did he run out and live boldly and in gratitude? That part of the story is lost to the ravages of time.
So, in our own "unbindings," ask yourself, "Am I ready to let others unbind me?" If you can answer "yes," then you are well into your own resurrections!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Shekinah and Sammy Hagar and Year C of the Lectionary
So in that sense, I am also ready for the Year B to Year C transition again. To spit out my anger and irritation and simply listen and allow healing, for all the various slings and arrows of whatever issues graced my previous year.
It got me to thinking about all the times in any of our lives where we suddenly noticed "healing" occurred. It hardly seems that healing is a "conscious condition." It so often happens under the radar, and when it is noticed, it's a little more like what Sammy Hagar sings in Van Halen's "Love Walks in"...
And then you sense a change
Nothin' feels the same
All your dreams are strange
Love comes walkin' in
Some kind of alien
Waits for the opening
Simply pulls a string
Love comes walkin' in
Somewhere, sometime, when we weren't looking, Divine Love "came walkin' in." We only discover it in retrospect, when something happened that made us realize "We're handling it differently." Perhaps it is manifested in a moment that previously triggered our chest to tighten with the familiar feel of post-traumatic stress. It might be in a moment when we are re-telling a story that reminded us of how we had been profoundly hurt, and when we have finished the story, we recognize the telling of it was painless. Maybe we enter a physical place where we used to feel our "hackles" rise every time we entered, and we didn't even feel a twinge on the back of our neck.
It's the psychological equivalent of those moments post-surgery when we suddenly realize our scar doesn't hurt anymore, or those times after a virus when the fever breaks and we say, "Wow, I feel pretty good!"
But the fact remains that somewhere, in our healing process, Divine Love came walking in, cleaned up a few odds and ends, and simply sat down in our living rooms to watch TV. Many times, it happens at points where it doesn't feel like any sort of "healing" at all. We generally don't get the luxury of "instant healing" that we see Jesus doing in Luke, but we do often get the moment of "instant recognition" of where Divine Love snuck in on her little cat feet and healed us.
That's the other magical thing about the way Divine Love heals. She doesn't do a hit and run. She remains in the house as our family member, so long as we simply acknowledge her presence and thank her for helping around the house.
Have you ever noticed one of the first places Divine Love walks in, is often at the time we are least capable of consciously manipulating the system--our sleeping habits? When we hurt, whether it's psychological or physical, we don't sleep in our normal patterns. We may not sleep as soundly, or we wake up at odd times. We have trouble falling asleep or back to sleep. Our dream life becomes weird or scary, or just plain shuts down and we become "dream impacted" with sleep becoming a glimpse of the darkness of a death without God.
But often, before we even recognize our own moments of healing, something starts happening in our sleep life. To borrow from the opening two verses of Psalm 126, we become "like those who dream," and our waking mouth becomes filled with laughter, and our tongues become more joyful. Things that had stopped being funny are funny again. Something that normally might not scratch our funny bone suddenly becomes so comical we can't stop laughing. These moments of joy and laughter are reflexive--we are not trying to be happy or make ourselves laugh. But it all was preceded by the ability to dream again, and the ability to daydream.
What I invite you to do in the beginning of Year C in the Lectionary is to simply hear the Gospel stories in Luke with an ear to the healing within them. Take whatever has been damaged over Years A and B, and simply lay it on the altar and let the healing stories of Luke marinate them. Just be sure to notice when Divine Love comes walkin' in. My Tattoo My Love
Friday, January 15, 2010
Tiger and dragon fighting Japanese tattoo
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Celebrity Dads With Tattoos
1. Johnny Depp- who seems to get better with age has at least 13 tattoos, one for each of this children, one of his mother''s name. However, he has not yet gotten Vanessa's name tattooed on her. He must have learned his lesson from the Winona days.
2. David Beckham- the sexy soccer star has nearly half his body covered in tattoos. He has all threes son' names tattooed on him along with wife Victoria's.
3. Eminem- the outrageous rapper has several tattoos all over his body including a very cute portrait of daughter Hailie.
4. Sylvester Stallone -has a portrait of wife, Jennifer Flavin, is tattooed on his right shoulder and bicep, he also has three roses representing their daughters.
5. Kobe Bryant - has his wife and daughter's name on his left arm.
6. Tommy Lee - literally has more than half his body covered in tattoos. Tommy has even admitted he has lost count of how many tattoos he has.
7. Lebron James - His first son's one-year old image is tattooed on the inside of his left arm and later got his mother's name, Gloria, on his right shoulder. When his second son was born, he had his name (Bryce Maximus) on his left forearm.
8. Mark Wahlberg- has a total of four tattoos some that he regrets.
We hear it every Sunday...

--The Collect for Purity, p. 355, Book of Common Prayer
Every Sunday, this prayer becomes the prologue of that holy drama in the Episcopal Church known as the Holy Eucharist. But did you know it is one of the most ancient prayers in our prayer book?
The prayer we now know as the Collect for Purity was written not for a church service, but for a coronation. It was written in 800 C.E. by noted teacher and religious scholar Alcuin of York, for the purposes of Charlemagne's coronation as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Alcuin's own story is an interesting one. He was asked to join Charlemagne's court several years prior to his assuming the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, an offer that he first resisted. But when promised to be associated in the court with a "cavalcade of stars" in religious scholarship, his love of learning, his life-long intellectual curiousity, and his love of the church persuaded him to take the position. He became "everyone's best friend" among the court, and he wrote prolifically, including a great deal of poetry about his friends and pupils that, well...quite frankly...bordered on the homo-erotic at times. But he also had incredibly intense relationships with the women among the court...just quite not so much as the men.
He penned the collect to remind Charlemagne that, yes, he was a great king, but there was an even greater king. From the very beginning of his association with the new empire, he set the stage by speaking truth to power. His long association with Charlemagne gave him that level of trust with the Emperor. Alcuin was considered a great and holy man, as well as a famous scholar.
This prayer later became incorporated in the Sarum Rite, but not orignally part of the liturgy. It was part of a pre-service preparatory rite for priests. At the time of the Protestant Reformation, as the concept of "the priesthood of all believers" became more widely accepted, the early figures in the English Reformation began moving some private parts of the liturgy to the public celebrations of the liturgy. Thomas Cranmer translated the prayer from its Latin form in the Sarum Rite into English, made it the opening collect for the Eucharist, and it has been in every form of the Book of Common Prayer since 1549. In the United States, its most recent revision is the present 1979 Rite II version that is used in the present Rite II Eucharist.
I think what fascinates me about the Collect for Purity is that it beautifully describes perhaps one of the holiest of mysteries. In its most basic form, it describes the relationship between human beings and God. Yet it is both inviting ("To you all hearts are open") and intrusive ("And from you, no secrets are hid"). It is a request for God to change us ("Cleanse our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit") and a statement of our love for God ("That we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name"). Simply reciting the prayer implies a lot of back and forth between us and God.
I've had an interesting relationship with this prayer. It was one of the things that drew me to the Episcopal liturgy when I came back from my two-plus decades of being one of the unchurched. For a time, I fell away from the power of the words of this prayer for reasons totally unrelated to the prayer itself. But I recently started re-visiting the prayer on a daily basis as one of my daily repetitive prayers and as a "stress-related prayer." In this re-visiting, I did my usual "Take it totally apart and look at the pieces" analysis of it, as I tend to do with all things holy. (This sounds strange; almost heretical, in fact, but for something to really, truly become holy to me, I must take it apart down to the itty-bitty pieces and, in staring at the itty-bitty pieces, recognize it is "bigger than the pieces," and therefore "bigger than me.")
In this re-visitation, I have come away with the understanding that this prayer, is, indeed, one of the most concise yet all-encompassing descriptions of a relationship that is almost impossible to decode or totally understand--my personal relationship with God. I love that we recite it corporately on Sunday, and I can recite it privately and it feels just as powerful either way. It is a prayer that tells me to be unafraid of God's love, and willing for Him to call the shots, as a facet of that love. It tells me to accept God's "intrusion" in my life, and that's it's okay to be almost "gooshy" about my love for God.
If I could have a half hour with Alcuin, I'd buy him a beer and thank him!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
It's that time of year again

This past Sunday, we did something at church which the Episcopal Church does every year on the first Sunday after Epiphany, the Sunday designated to commemorate the Baptism of Our Lord--we renewed our Baptismal Covenant. Of course, since it contains several sentences of the Apostle's Creed, it doesn't seem very "different" except for a few sentences, compared to our usual weekly habit of reciting the Nicene Creed. But I like doing it just the same because it reminds me to treat our baptisms as beginnings instead of "be alls and end alls."
It's kind of interesting when you hear Christians of different ilks discuss baptism. First, there are the "baby baptizers" and the "non-baby baptizers." Then there are the sprinklers vs. the dunkers. There are the "you do it to be saved" crowd and the "Naw, it's different than that," crowd. But the bottom line is that one should probably never think of their baptism as anything "final." It's way more a "beginning."
I often think about how the same thing takes us to somewhat different places, whether it is an infant or child who is baptized vs. an adult.
Baptism of infants and small children, in addition to welcoming the child into our church family, reminds us that, yes, we ARE our brother's keeper. When we help recite the Baptismal Covenant, we are saying that "yes, it does take a village to raise a child." We are taking on the responsibility that we will care for and teach this little person what he or she needs to know to grow in Christ. That is an awesome responsibility, and how many times do we really HEAR those words or take them seriously beyond a few mumbled repetitions of "I will, with God's help?"
When we participate in the baptism of an adult, we are affirming a person's conscious decision to turn towards Christ and learn the skills of obedience to God.
I marvel how baptism is "same yet different" for those two groups of people who "come to the waters" in the setting of our church.
When you really get to hearing what we say every year, during the annual renewal of our Baptismal Covenant, we are talking "no small feat." Some really tough questions are posed. Let's look at three of them in particular.
1. "Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?"
We give a lot of lip service to things, but that "proclaiming by example" is a very tricky proposition. It means we might actually have to change our ways in some fashion. That can be a bit scary.
2. "Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?"
Oooo. That can be a double edged sword, there. That vow is so easy when all one thinks about is "seeking and serving Christ among folks who are "our kind." But what about those who are not, in a socioeconomic sense? It also implies we have to do this with people we really don't like, or people who have harmed us, or people who have nothing more to do with us any more, or people who make us uncomfortable. Sigh. It sounds so easy. But human nature being what it is, it's really quite challenging.
3. "Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?
This is another one of those places where the rubber meets the road in terms of, "How willing are we to act upon the two parts of this vow?" What do a lot of us do, really, in terms of this "striving" other than throw money at it? How well do we truly respect the dignity of people we don't understand, or the poor, the homeless, or the truly oppressed in this world?
You know, it's odd. When someone is actually being baptized at the time we repeat these vows, I never think of the depressing aspects of all this. I'm so happy for the person being baptized, I respond joyfully to these questions. I am so incredibly gung-ho about it.
But when we recite them in the annual renewal of these vows, I realize just how woefully, incredibly short I come up on these...and I am reminded these are VOWS, not just helpful suggestions. I realize in an overwhelming way that I have not lived up to my promise to God in so many of these things.
It is at that moment, though, that moment where I am on the brink of despair at just how badly I've made a mess of those three questions that I remind myself, "this is why baptism is just the beginning." If I really saw it as a "heal-all," a cure, a panacea to the sins of the world and my own sins, baptism would be a pointless sacrament. There would be no reason for me to do one thing better or differently. But if I see it as a beginning, there is a reason for me to do better. I can find just one thing within each of those three questions that I can improve upon, and become just an inch or two closer to comprehending the nature of the divine, and my need to be obedient to it.
Reciting these vows during a real baptism reminds us of our own incarnation. Reciting them annually with no one being baptized reminds us of the cross. These vows become the core of the constant interplay between these two entities. What a blessing that a single sacrament can become the link between fear and desire, shame and joy, or a call to action vs. a need to be still and listen.
I have thought often that we don't have the image right when we are told in Gospel accounts of Jesus' baptism that the Holy Spirit descended on him "like a dove." Most artistic renderings of the event show a very timid, passive looking dove. I tend to think more of how doves in the wild almost dive bomb when they see food, or how the doves at my bird feeder tended to gang up and chase away offending blue jays en masse. There's nothing timid about doves in the wild when they see what they want. In my mind, that is how I see the Holy Spirit in that story--more or less "all over their target in a flash." Just as the waters of baptism are all over us in a flash, no matter whether you're sprinkled or immersed. The water is going to get on you one way or another, and you can't put it back, once it's run upon you. There's nothing timid or passive about the way the Holy Spirit grabs our hearts and minds, either!
In that sense, we should almost fear this time of year, simply because if we have been "targeted" by the Holy Spirit to be moved by something that pops up in the repetition of reciting those vows, it will be on us in a flash, like the target of a kamakaze dove! Nothing "passive" about it!
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